Once a transaction is successful, refunds are generally not allowed unless the customer cancels and the merchant agrees to manually refund after receiving settlement from Payex. Please note that the fees imposed on merchants are non-refundable.
To facilitate this process, we kindly advise customers to reach out to their respective banks for assistance.
Don’t worry! If a customer misses an installment payment, rest assured it won’t impact you. The merchant has already received the full payment upfront from Payex.
Customer instalment amounts will be reflected in each month’s credit card statement. If your customer misses a payment, the bank may charge interest or late payment fees, just like with any other regular credit card transaction.
No cancellation can be done from neither customer / merchant side. However, customers have the option to dispute a transaction if they encounter issues such as poor service or non-delivery after making a payment. In such cases, the bank will investigate the dispute by requesting evidence from both the merchant and the customer before deciding whether to approve the cancellation. It’s important to note that this process typically takes several weeks to resolve.
To facilitate this process, we kindly advise customers to reach out to their respective banks for assistance.
Most banks will display the “full payment” as the initial transaction on your credit card statement right after a successful payment. It typically takes 3-5 working days for banks to divide the payment into monthly instalments. However, for UOB bank, the status will initially show as “pending,” and the bank will split the payments within 3-5 working days. Please advise your customers to check their statements again after this period.
Check out the illustration below to understand why you might see transactions appearing as “double charges” in Ezbeli:
– Customer A’s credit card statement is issued by the bank on the 29th of every month, making it Customer A’s statement date. When Customer A makes transactions using Ezbeli instalment on January 27th, they will see the first instalment charged on that date. On January 29th, the bank considers it a new cycle, and Customer A will see the second instalment charged on their credit card statement. However, this second instalment will only be due for repayment in the next cycle (charged on first day of next statement cycle).
– Customer B’s credit card statement is issued by the bank on the 31st of every month, making it Customer B’s statement date. If Customer B also makes transactions using Ezbeli instalment on January 31st (same date as the statement date), they will see the first and second instalment charged on that date as bank considers January 31st a new cycle. However, the second instalment will only be due for repayment in the next cycle (charged on first day of the next statement cycle).
Based on the instalment amount, the Bank system will typically round up the “cents” / 2-decimal calculated after dividing the amount by the tenure. This is to ensure all subsequent months show a rounded up figure without the “cents” / 2-demical. Please refer to illustration below for clarity:
- Amount RM5,999 divided by 60 months = RM99.98
- RM5,999 – RM158 (first month)= RM5,841
Note: For first month calculation is RM99 + (RM0.98 x 60 months) = RM158 - RM5,841 divided by (balance 59 months) = RM99.00
Unfortunately, we’re unable to support this. We recommend manually refunding the customer and then sending them a fresh instalment link to pay again with the correct tenure. Please note that the fees imposed on merchants are non-refundable.
Yes, this is supported. In order to enable / disable specific instalment tenure for your account, you will need to reach out to our Merchant Support team via WhatsApp at +60192713728.
The tenure will not be displayed when the instalment amount does not meet the minimum eligible amount. You may check out the minimum eligible amount according to each bank as per our Instalment Table.
The settlement frequency is 3 working days for all banks, except 7 working days for UOB Bank.
No, we do not accept foreign credit card for instalment. We only support the nine Malaysian-based banks.
Unfortunately, we’re unable to support this. We recommend manually refunding your customer after receiving the settlement from Payex. Please note that the fees imposed on merchants are non-refundable.
Please note that it may take until the end of the day (sometimes before midnight/12am, depending on your bank) for the funds to be credited to your bank account. If you don’t see the funds during office hours, we recommend checking again in the evening or at night as the day is not yet over.