Create Payment Forms Request #
This endpoint provides the following functionalities:
- Initializes the payment/capture process for FPX, Cards, E-wallets and Subscription Payments (Direct Debit/Auto Debit).
- Payment forms allow merchants to accept online payments through Payex web applications.
- Customers can enter payment details or select e-wallet / installment options to complete the payment process from their smartphones and website.

Body Parameter | Type | Validation | Description | Example |
amount required | integer | Minimum: 100 | Actual amount of the transaction. Decimal places support up to two decimal places. If the amount is not inputted upfront, the corresponding payment method will accept any amount as payment (open-ended amount). | Values should be in cents. For example, MYR 10.00 should be inputted as 1000. Maximum of MYR 30,000.00 for FPX, and MYR 1,000,000.00 for FPX Corporate. |
currency required | string | Default is MYR | Three-letter code of the transaction’s currency. Will be auto-filled as MYR. | MYR |
collection_id | string | Default collection id will be used if not provided | DWcUMile | |
capture conditional | boolean | Default is true | Default is “true” to capture the payment immediately. Set to “false” to authorize payment to be captured at a later date, using the /api/v1/Transactions/Capture endpoint. Note: To try this, do ensure your account is enabled with pre-authorisation | true |
customer_name required | string | maxLength = 50 | Name of the customer | John Doe |
string ($email) | maxLength = 50 | Email of the customer | | |
contact_number | string | maxLength = 20 | Contact number of the customer | 0123456789 |
address | string | maxLength = 200 | Address of the customer | 48 Jalan Gembira Taman Desa |
postcode | string | maxLength = 10 | Postcode of the customer | 57100 |
city | string | maxLength = 50 | City of the customer | Petaling Jaya |
state | string | maxLength = 50 | State of the customer | Selangor |
country | string | maxLength = 50 | Country of the customer | Malaysia |
shipping_name | string | maxLength = 50 | Name of the customer for delivery | John Doe |
shipping_email | string ($email) | maxLength = 50 | Email of the customer for delivery | |
shipping_contact_number | string | maxLength = 20 | Contact number of the customer for delivery | 0123456789 |
shipping_address | string | maxLength = 200 | Address of the customer for delivery | 48 Jalan Gembira Taman Desa |
shipping_postcode | string | maxLength = 10 | Postcode of the customer for delivery | 57100 |
shipping_city | string | maxLength = 50 | City of the customer for delivery | Petaling Jaya |
shipping_state | string | maxLength = 50 | State of the customer for delivery | Selangor |
shipping_country | string | maxLength = 2 | Country of the customer for delivery | Malaysia |
description | string | maxLength = 200 | Free-text field for any additional information during payment creation. Will be null if none is provided. | beauty product |
reference_number | string | maxLength = 40 | 80TJCFJeOpPh4r7f1 | |
items | Any data as long as in the form of array of dictionaries | |||
metadata | Any data as long as in the form of array of dictionaries | |||
payment_type | string | Enum: [ card, fpx, ewallet, instalment ] | Authorized values for merchant can be retrieved using the /api/v1/Merchants/TransactionTypes endpoint. | card |
payment_types | string | Enum: [ card, fpx, ewallet, instalment ] | Customize payment types that are visible to users for each transaction. Defaults to all “payment_types” enabled for merchant if not specified. | card |
show_payment_types | boolean | When “payment_type” is specified, use this flag to determine whether all payment types are visible to users, or just the specified “payment_type“. Default when “payment_type” is specified is “false“, while default when “payment_type” is unspecified is “true“. | false | |
tokenize | boolean | “true” if Merchant wants to tokenize customer’s card details, else, omit parameter | true | |
card_on_file | string | Type of “credential-on-file” / “card-on-file” payment for subsequent usage. Indicates future card-on-file usage where customer can save the card for future checkout. When “tokenize” is checked, a “card_on_file” will be returned to Merchant at the end of the transaction, that ID must then be stored by Merchant in order to reuse CARD ON FILE functionality. | ||
return_url | string | maxLength = 150 | Upon payment, customers can click on a button. Return_url is the link where you want the customer to go back to after clicking the button. | <any valid domain> |
callback_url | string | maxLength = 150 | URL to your server for Payex to update on response | <any valid domain> |
accept_url | string | maxLength = 150 | Redirect URL upon accepted payment. If not provided, return_url will be used. Note: This is for merchants who manually create payment link directly from Payex portal i.e. after payment is successful → accept_url is where they want customers to be redirected to. | <any valid domain> |
reject_url | string | maxLength = 150 | Redirect URL upon rejected payment. If not provided, return_url will be used. Note: This is for merchants who manually create payment link directly from Payex portal i.e. after payment is rejected → reject_url is where they want customers to be redirected to. | <any valid domain> |
nonce | string | maxLength = 80 | Unique identifier to be returned during payment response | |
source | string | Custom field to specify source of transaction | ||
send_email | boolean | “true” to email payment intent link to recipient as specified by “email” parameter | false | |
single_attempt | boolean | “true” if payment intent can only be attempted once and will be deactivated after the attempt regardless of payment status. “false” if payment intent can be reattempted multiple times and will only be deactivated once “expiry_date” of payment intent has passed | false | |
expiry_date | string ($email) | Expiry date of the payment intent, after which the payment intent will no longer be valid. Parameter should be in UTC time zone, following the format of the example. Default is 2 day after creation. | yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ | |
splits amount required | integer | minimum: 100 | This section is required if you need to split transactions to other accounts such as marketplace use case. Values should be in cents. For example, MYR 10.00 should be inputted as 1000, or if 1.00% should be inputted as 100 | 1000 |
split_type required | string | Enum: (“abs”, “pct”) | Whether split should be absolute amount or percentage amount | abs |
destination required | string | Payex Registered Merchant email for transaction split to | | |
type required | string | Type of split | platform | |
description | string | Description of split | Platform commission fees |
Create Payment Forms Response #

A successful Payment Request creation returns a HTTP 200
status code with the following response parameters.
Body Parameter | Type | Validation | Description | Example |
status | string | Enum: [ 00, 99 ] | Status of payment | Approved |
result status key url error | string string string string | Enum: [ 00, 99 ] {api_environment}/Payment/Form/{key}. | Payment Intent ID Redirect to URL returned to access payment form | |
message | string | Success |

Body Parameter | Type | Validation | Description | Example |
amount | string | Actual amount of the transaction. Decimal places support up to two decimal places. If the amount is not inputted upfront, the corresponding payment method will accept any amount as payment (open-ended amount). | Values should be in cents. For example, MYR 10.00 should be inputted as 1000. Maximum of MYR 30,000.00 for FPX, and MYR 1,000,000.00 for FPX Corporate. | |
currency | string | Three-letter code of the transaction’s currency. Will be auto-filled as MYR. | MYR | |
customer_name | string | Name of the customer | John Doe | |
description | string | Free-text field for any additional information during payment creation. Will be null if none is provided. | beauty product | |
reference_number | string | maxLength: 40 | You may input any reference number here | 80TJCFJeOpPh4r7f1 |
mandate_reference_number | string | Refers to reference number for mandate generated by Payex | MN10000011621583965 | |
payment_intent | string | This refers to Payment Intent endpoint for creating payment forms. | b96165b897c746c0a2a42032e8bfafea | |
collection_id | string | Collection ID | owbnr7xq | |
invoice_id | string | |||
txn_id | string | Transaction ID | PX10000011627008035 | |
txn_date | string($yyyyMMddHHmmss) | Transaction Date | 20210723104035 | |
external_txn_id | string | External Transaction ID | 2009151119230241 | |
response | string | Payment status description. Unique to each payment type | ||
auth_code | string | Payment response code. ’00’ – Successful, ’09’ – Pending, ’99’ – Pending when FPX, everything else – Failed. For detailed descriptions of each response code, please refer to reference table sheet at the top of the documentation | ||
auth_number | string | Authorization Number | 15733223 | |
fpx_mode | string | Enum: [ 01, 02 ] | 01 – retail, 02 – corporate | |
fpx_buyer_name | string | Name of FPX buyer | N@me()/ .-_,&Buyer’`~*;: | |
fpx_buyer_bank_id | string | Bank code of FPX buyer | Refer to list of FPX buyer bank code | |
fpx_buyer_bank_name | string | Bank name of FPX buyer | CIMB Bank | |
card_holder_name | string | N@me()/ .-_,&Buyer’`~*;: | ||
card_number | string | ************1111 | ||
card_expiry | string | 03/27 | ||
card_brand | string | Can be any of “VISA”, “MASTERCARD”, “UNIONPAY” | VISA | |
card_on_file | string | 64 alphanumeric key length | Type of “credential-on-file” / “card-on-file” payment for subsequent usage. Indicates future card-on-file usage where customer can save the card for future checkout. | 761d35566422d504c96a0f28f3637eeea0d9808a73897f533b53dd9850e4dfbb |
signature | string | SHA512(secret + | + txn_id) | 3b0806197e8b948a81b2faff2839b3194b9f52707a336e5039a52204a2591abfbd5d4e5aceec4381b15cf0431e02aa6e2c9d17c255e6e7083e47ccfe c182cbaa | |
txn_type | string | Used to differentiate between different transaction type | FPX FPX CCA FPX B2B FPX CCA B2B Direct Debit Mandate – Authorization Mandate – Approval Mandate – Maintenance Mandate – Termination Malaysian Debit Card Malaysian Credit Card Foreign Card Card – Foreign Currency Auto Debit – Authorization GrabPay PayLater by Grab Postpaid PayLater by Grab Instalment Touch ‘n Go eWallet ShopeePay Riipay Split Unpaid | |
nonce | string | lenKjMY3VInjYHmtSX398aT2socMZGCOkLIQ8OPPeIaerXSVRW0Arzd33dLnd5M8 |