Online Banking / FPX Bank Transfer #
You can simulate payments in sandbox mode for payment links created via Portal or API.
Sandbox Portal:
Sandbox API:
Sandbox Response Simulation:
Sandbox Test Details:
Note: To access the Sandbox portal, merchant to login with your registered email address and default password = “Password“
- Test with SBI Bank A for “Successful” payment status scenario
- Test with SBI Bank B for “Pending” payment status scenario
- Test with SBI Bank C for “Failed” payment status scenario
Card #
- Test MasterCard “Successful” payment scenario
- MasterCard Test Card: 5123 4500 0000 0008
- Visa Test Card: 4440 0000 0990 0010
- Exp Date: MM/YY (any value)
- CVV: any value (3 digits)
- Test “Failed” payment scenario
- Any random card number